Saturday, December 4, 2010

drug safety may be increased - and should

Hospitals and clinics very busy places. If this happens, not only the patient but the hospital staff as well. It is committed to patient charts to compile, edit, blankets, and to dispense drugs to family comfort. With all this happens every day in our hospitals, it may be essential for the safety of patients are missing.

Nobody wants to hear about their neighbors or colleagues at the clinic for a cold or a mild infection, whereDrugs to solve the problem and the problem is getting worse. Unfortunately, the types of events that affect patient safety every day.

However, to help with a better system of drug administration, to prescribe the right drug to the right patient, these errors can be greatly reduced. Baptist Health Systems has recently had a look at their management practices, drugs and decided to upgrade.

"The safety of patients first, because the industry has increasedcounted the number of adverse events during hospitalization, "said Eric McVey, Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Baptist Health Systems.

Because patient safety and clinical quality has always been strategic priorities for Baptist Health Systems, McVey and hospital management have adopted a more thorough in their process of medication administration. After the verification and establishment of 230 questions of procedure, they might find a solution.

With the help of a globalDrug Safety [ 2BSafety/McKesson%%%% 2BMedication 2BSafety 2BAdvantage.html] Solution Suite by McKesson, Baptist Health Solutions was able to machine tools for drug delivery Tarm and pharmaceutical products, barcode medication administration systems and solution by the documentation.

With these solutions, McKesson helped Baptist Health System to obtain medication dispensing machine accuracy of 98%, 90% reductionDrugs recovery time, a 50% reduction in expired drugs and a 50% reduction in the deer missing volume.

All these improvements have enhanced the safety of patients at Baptist Health System and are looking for great practices for other clinics and hospitals to follow to improve the quality of health care and drug safety.

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